Wednesday, November 01, 2006

Hallowe'en is a stupid-head

I think hallowe'en should be done away with altogether. Everything is just too scary for a little old wienerblab. Things are going bang and boom and screech and people are yelling...I, for one, don't appreciate all that.

It was bad enough on the days leading up to hallowe'en, but on hallowe'en night it was just too much. Sara and Ryan weren't home for a while and I was so scared and I couldn't find anywhere to hide. I tried to dig my way out of my kennel but ended up just shredding the foam cushion into twelve million little bits of foam all over the place. (and Sara thought she had made a cover for the cushion that could resist my claws...silly sara) I tried to hide in the hallway but when I pulled all the clothes and baskets off the two lower shelves that run the length of the hallway, all I found behind them was a wall that I couldn't get through.

And with all this going on, for some reason Sara thought it would be a good idea to go for a walk. That's where I dug in my heels (well...actually my claws) and I wasn't going anywhere.

Now it's all done for another year (unless I have my way and we move to langford where fireworks aren't allowed) and I can relax again. Ryan and Sara better make it up to me for allowing the world to have such scary day every year.


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