Sunday, March 11, 2007

Napkins are bad for the environment...I use pants instead

You know how after a really great and satisfying meal (to the extent that a meal that ends can be satisfying) and you're all done licking the crumbs off your face, you find your face covered in slobber and your nose running a bit? Rather than using napkins that are made from paper and the senseless destruction of the places where we pee, I find a nearby pantleg (preferably with the leg still inside) works wonders. It not only helps you to wipe the aforementioned (okay, ryan helped with that word) slobber and snot, it also helps with that itching sensation that comes with it. Here's an example of how it's done.


1 comment:

MJ's doghouse said...

Hi Scubee..
Oh my could be my mini me...I have always wanted a mini mom and I think you are adorable...and who wouldnt be adorable if they were a mini me...i cant wait to keep checking out your blog..
