Monday, March 05, 2007

x-rays are stupid too

Well...back to the vet today. They still don't know what's wrong with me so they had to take more of my blood (it's really not fun). They also made me get x-ray pictures taken. Now I love getting my picture taken as much as the next wienerblab, but this type they put you on a cold table and stretch you out and try to hold you still while they do this...they're sure not getting my good side (even though they took pictures of both sides of me and one of my belly...I'm sure they could see how empty it was). And then the messed up on one of them and had to take it again. As you can see...I'm now glowing from all the radiation and appliances turn on as I walk by them. I hope I return to normal soon.

(okay okay...I'm not really glowing...ryan showed me how to do that in his photo program)


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